These eight eye-popping, jaw-dropping,
tip-delighting, pop culture hues take pop beyond an artistic style to a
lifestyle that's all the rage. Envision lots of pizazz with super-shiny polish,
a whole new way to express yourself, compliments
of SinfulColors.
The POPtastic collection of 8 shockingly rich color
meets serious shine fromSinfulColors includes:
Citrine: A bold, but wonderfully
wearable, slice of juicy delight
Why Not: A matte turquoise that
Let's Meet: Sunshine at its
Outrageous: A poppy, fresh
bubble-gum shade
Energetic Red: A classic fire
engine red
Exotic Green: Move over Grover, a
take on the classic tree & plant inspired shade
Dressed To Kill: Hello Kitty never
had it so good with this shade of pink
Clementine: Everything a citrus
fruit should be: juicy, bright and zesty
SinfulColors surpasses the masses
with more than 150 amazing shades of nail polish, including the above-mentioned
shades. All hues are available for $1.99 at major drug and mass-market stores
nationwide such as Target & Walgreens, by calling 1-800-448-0763 or online at
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